I’m a 61 year old male and have been concerned with fitness and wellness for over 35 years. I’ve worked hard at keeping myself fit and have taken pride in looking much younger than my actual age.
When I turned 50, I started noticing that my hair line was receding and showing signs of thinning on top. My hair had always been thick and coarse until this point, and my hairdresser had commented that I would probably still have hair when I was 90.
I ran into a friend of mine at the health club where I worked out. I hadn’t seen him for about a year, and noticed that his hair seem thicker than when we last met. I inquired about his hair, and he told me that he had hair replacement surgery 11 months prior, and that in another year he was going in for his second surgery to give him even more hair volume.
I had never heard of the type of surgery he was referring to because I had only seen the hair-plug surgery on a few men, and the results looked unnatural.
He gave me his doctor’s name and number, and I called for an appointment the very next day. My consultation was an eye-opener, because through a 10X lens, he showed me how thin I actually was on top. My hair thinning was so gradual that it wasn’t until I saw my scalp magnified, that I knew I needed to take action.
I had my first surgery in the fall of 2007, when I received 1,800 grafts. It took almost a year to see the final results. It was a slow process, but the Doctor told me to be a “patient-patient,” and that hair restoration takes time.
It wasn’t until I had my picture taken the following summer that I noticed how different my hair looked. I compared the picture to another one that was taken a few years earlier, and I actually looked younger in the new photo.
I scheduled my second hair replacement surgery with Doctor Troy in the fall of 2010. I had been happy with the results of my first surgery but felt that I needed certain areas of my scalp filled in a bit.
Dr. Troy and his staff were fabulous. They put me completely at ease and treated me as though I was the most valued patient they ever had. I only required around 1,000 grafts for the second surgery, so the recovery time was shortened, and I was back to work in three days.
Would I do it again? In a heart-beat. I’m still into fitness and nutrition, but now my hair matches my physique. I look younger than I did when I was 50, and people are amazed when I tell them my true age.
A most satisfied client,
Marcus Flanders