Follicular units are meticulously placed to replicate the hair you lost.
The ultra-refined follicular unit transplant is still the gold standard of hair transplantation. This method is still the most common surgical approach in hair restoration surgery. Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation (FUT) in our Portland, OR area office involves the removal of a strip of superficial layers of hair bearing scalp from the back and sides of the head (donor area). The strip is dissected into fine follicular units with the help of microscopes and are transplanted in to the bald areas (recipient area).
The main advantage of this method is to cover wider areas as it gives scope for obtaining a larger number of grafts in a single session.
Although this method leaves a thin scar in the donor area, by virtue of the latest advancements in the technology, this can be minimized by a technique called tricophytic closure. This method helps in minimizing the scar which is almost invisible after some time and even new hair growth is seen through it in most of the patients.
The survival rate of grafts is very important to achieve good results post hair transplantation. Dr. Fallon takes care in each and every step of the procedure to assure that your procedure achieves maximum graft survival and hair growth.
The advantages of strip harvesting over follicular unit extraction (FUE) is that more hair follicles can be transplanted, and in less time. And since only the area where the strip is removed is shaved, once the donor area is closed the hair above covers the sutures immediately.
Contact us now to schedule your hair loss consultation with Dr. Fallon.Minimizing The Linear Donor Scar

Triochophytic Closure 4 months post op
What Is Trichophytic Donor Closure?
The trichophytic donor closure technique is an advanced surgical technique that allows people to have a nearly undetectable linear donor scar after strip excision FUT hair transplant. Before trichophytic donor closures, or tricho closures, existed, patients were expected to have a donor scar that would range anywhere from zero to two millimeters in width. While this may not have been a problem for patients who had longer hair that could be utilized to cover the scar, the donor scar would be visible for those who had short hair. The trichophytic donor closure is an overlapping technique that allows hair to grow directly through the donor scar, resulting in the donor scar being nearly invisible.
Why Dr. Fallon Uses the Trichophytic Donor Closure Technique.
While less experienced and trained hair transplant surgeons rarely use the trichophytic donor closure technique, Dr. Fallon performs only tricophytic closure after every linear donor harvest. We understand that patients do not want a visible hair transplant scar, especially if their hair is short. The trichophytic donor closure technique is a great alternative to FUE, or follicular unit extraction, for clients who have short hair and wish to receive more hair during a single hair transplant session and at a more affordable cost.
Can Trichophytic Donor Closure Reduce Previous Hair Transplant Donor Scars?
Patients who have also undergone previous hair restoration procedures and wish to camouflage their donor scar greatly benefit from the trichophytic donor closure technique, as well as those who are undergoing hair transplantation for the first time.
Hair Graft Survival
Hair transplant studies shows clearly that the best, most natural and most productive way of transplanting hairs is to maintain the follicular units intact during the dissection phase of the transplant and to place them adequately in order to obtain a result that looks like a natural hairline and not one transplanted.
HypoThermosol1Having an optimal storage media for the follicular units to rest while being transplanted is a key factor on hair survival and the final outcome of the procedure. Traditionally, hair transplant surgeons have relied on chilled Saline Solution as their preservation solution. Many other commercially available storage solutions have been tested, with varied results. In our experience, the best one currently in the market is HypoThermosol®, produced by BioLife Solutions®, Inc.