FUE Hairline Restoration
This 69 year old male patient wanted to just advance his existing hairline to minimize his forehead and create...
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Hair Transplant Restoration For Radiation Therapy
This young man (17 years old) suffered from a brain tumor. He recovered after targeted radiation therapy but unfortunately...
Hairline Restoration Cases
We have two interesting hairline restoration cases. The first was a young male patient in his late twenties with...
Eyebrow Hair Transplant to Repair Scar
This patient is a 26 year old female with an eyebrow defect from a childhood injury. The right eyebrow...
1319 FUT Female Hair Transplant
This 68 year old female has been experiencing frontal hair thinning and male pattern hairline recession. When she came...
Case Study – 400 FUE hair transplant to re-establish hairline
This 40 year old male wanted to do a small FUE (follicular unit extraction) surgery of about 400 grafts...
Hair Transplant Case Study – 1677 Grafts – Combination FUT and FUE Procedure
This 33 year old male patient had a previous FUT strip hair transplant with 2300 grafts from another physician...
Hair Transplant Case Study – 2100 FUE Hair Grafts
The patient is 50 years old and had 2 FUT strip hair transplant procedures approximately 15 year earlier. His...
Is Finasteride Safe?
Finasteride is approved by the U.S. FDA as a safe and effective treatment of hair loss caused by androgenetic…
In the United States, a physician’s authority to delegate to unlicensed personnel varies from state to state, and depends…